Newfoundland and St. Pierre and Miquelon 2023

Atlantic Puffins have such interesting faces! - Photo: Melissa Hafting I recently led a birding tour to Newfoundland for Avocet Tours, just like I did last year but this time with Chris Charlesworth. You can read about last year's trip HERE . This year was great as well and was sold out once again. If you are interested in joining this tour next year click HERE . Also if you enjoy arctic tundra landscapes and have done NFLD before I have another tour going to Nome and Barrow in 2024. If you want to sign up for that click HERE Newfoundland 2023 We got in to St. John’s a day before the tour started on July 8th a nd headed to Burton’s Pond, to look at the long staying Pink-footed Goose. Here we saw a rare for the time of year Eurasian Wigeon, some Common Terns and pure American Black Ducks and Hooded Mergansers. We went to Mundy’s Pond hoping for the Tufted Duck that was there on July 5th but it seemed just like the rare Black-tailed Godwit and Little Blue Heron, that was...