The Unforgettable Colorado and Kansas Chicken Run via WY and NE!

Male Greater Sage-Grouse - The reason I came to Colorado - Photo: Melissa Hafting I just returned from a week long trip to Colorado. I have always wanted to do this trip for the grouse and rosy finches. It was a bucket list trip for me. I wasn’t looking forward to all the early mornings and long drives but I knew the birds would be worth it. Colorado has so many different gorgeous landscapes and a good mix of Eastern ad Western Birds (ie. Eastern Screech-Owl and Northern Pygmy-Owl). I flew in to Denver and went straight to Loveland Pass. The weather was beautiful. All roads were dry and the sun was shining, it was warm. I drove up to Loveland pass which is almost 12,000 feet. It was like Ecuador all over again! Haha. There I scoped one White-tailed Ptarmigan and flushed a Horned Lark. I found out I was lucky in regards to Ptarmigan; as many had searched the same week as I and only one other person got one. The week prior only two others got them including my friend Monica Nug...