A night of magic with 3 Boreal Owls in BC!

Since owls are calling now and pairing up for the breeding season, I decided to go looking for Boreal Owls in the Okanagan. I called up my friend Chris Charlesworth and Mike Force and made plans to go owling. I asked my friend Brian Stech who loves owls and really wanted a photo of one to join me. We drove up a dirt logging road in appropriate habitat and began to listen. Within 10 minutes Mike and I heard a Boreal Owl singing it's song in the distance. Chris began to call him with his voice. The way he mimics a Boreal Owl is truly uncanny. He sounds just like them!. The owl went dead silent. We knew this meant he was coming in closer for a better look. Chris spotted him in the dark. The key to owling for Boreals especially is to go on a clear cloudless night with no wind. I had been looking for this in the weather reports. The night couldn't have been more perfect, all clear, no wind. I never saw so many stars it was just beautiful. Living in the city you sometimes f...