A trip to the Kootenays!

I went up to the beautiful Kootenay Region of BC to join the BCFO 2 day Field Trip in Creston. The trip was led by Gary Davidson and Paul Prappas and it was fantastic. Craig Sandvig helped out heavily as well with his very skilled ears. We had a fantastic time and I made 3 lifelong friends in them in the process. On Day 1 in Creston and we got 110 species! We birded Leach Lake, Wilson and Kootenay River Rds and Duck Lake and we got some good birds including Forster's Terns (incredibly close views of them diving for fish and perched right by us), Black Terns, Bobolink, Gray Catbirds, Over 40 American White Pelicans, Wild Turkey with 7 Chicks, Clay-coloured Sparrow (and Lark Sparrow before Creston), Black-chinned and Calliope Hummingbirds, Eastern and Western Kingbirds, Veery, many Northern Waterthrushes, Bullock's Orioles, Tundra Swan, Lazuli Bunting, more Least Flycatchers than I've ever seen, Western Wood-Pewee, Pacific-Slope Flycatcher, Red-naped Sapsucker, Say's P...