I am deeply honoured to be a new member of the ABA's Checklist Committee
I was honoured to be asked by Peter Pyle to be a member of the American Birding Association's (ABA) Checklist Committee (CLC). They published this news at the end of November HERE . I am the first Black person and the first member from BC and less than a handful from Canada and one of the few women who have been selected. It means a lot to me to be selected. I do wish my father lived to see this and my upcoming March cover story for the ABA's Birding magazine. The CLC purpose is: Maintaining and updating the ABA Checklist Reviewing and revising the ABA Codes that cover ease of observation Voting on whether to add a species to the ABA Checklist You can read about the ABA-CLC and see my profile there now that David Sibley and Andrew Kratter have rotated off at the end of Dec/24 and Mark Lockwood from TX and I joined in Jan/25. You can also learn more about what we do HERE